Sorry for the delay folks – I could have sworn I drafted and posted this blog entry on Thursday or Friday but apparently not. So this will be a quick post to get caught up. And for those waiting on tenterhooks to find out if I went to Victoria last weekend – no I didn’t but it’s planned for my next trip to the Olympic Peninsula. Onto this weeks (last week’s actually) puzzle.

  • Name: Four Quarters
  • Size: 15×15
  • Entries: 72
  • Difficulty: Easy (my solve time: 6:16)
Filled in crossword grid for ClassiCanadian Crosswords 02 October 2024


“Four Quarters” – the length of a football game, and also the theme of this week’s puzzle – each of the themers is a phrase with a meaning unrelated to a place to live, but with a word that is a place to live; clued punnily to make it work:

  • 17A: [Ocean home?]: SEA SHANTY – A sea shanty is a song that sailors would sing to help them work together; a shanty is a modest or cheaply built home.
  • 26A: [Last of a quartet of lordly homes?]: FOURTH ESTATE – The fourth estate is a term used to refer to the press, with the three other estates being the king, the clergy and the commoners. An estate is a large lavish house, definitely not a shanty.
  • 43A: [Home for the film crew?]: MOVIE TRAILER – A movie trailer is a preview for a film, ironically usually shown before, rather than after (trailing), a feature film in a theater. A trailer is a type of home that is theoretically mobile, the term “tiny house” is used a lot today.
  • 58A: [Homes that cows lick?]: SALT FLATSSalt flats are created when a former body of water evaporates, leaving behind the salt and minerals formerly in the water. A flat is a home or apartment usually all on one floor.

A relatively quick solve with no real snags, though on review I see a few head-scratchers, that I must have been able to get through the crosses without much problem..

Canadian content:

  • 15A: [Heart of Québec?]: COEUR – Coeur is heart in French.
  • 21D: [Parliament’s place, casually]: THE HILLParliament Hill in Ottawa is home to the Canadian legislature.
  • 46A: [Canadian actor Cariou of “Sweeny Todd”]: LENLen Cariou was born in Winnipeg.
  • 61A: [Pop stat Carly ___ Jepsen]: RAE – Carly Rae Jepsen was born in Mission, BC and she’s the source of this week’s quote.

Quote of the week:
“Canada was my whole world and my whole reality, and now I meet people who’ve never been there, and it’s like, ‘You’ve never been to my whole world?'”
– Carly Rae Jepsen