Hi all!

Jeffrey here.

“Weight Loss Program” is this week’s puzzle title and each theme answer takes two letters which represent a unit of weight and lose them from the first word to get the second word of the answer.

20a [Secretly tracking Lenin’s successor?] – STALKING STALIN. KG (kilogram) is removed.

25a [Kitchen brand for blending pincered seafood?] – LOBSTER OSTER. LB (pound) is lost.

44a [Underwater diving for sleazy lowlifes?] – SCUMBAG SCUBA. MG (milligram) is shed.

53a [Physician who treats a TV physician?] – DOCTOR OZ DOCTOR. OZ (ounce) is gone.

So let’s see, we lost 1kg, 1 lb, 1 mg and 1 oz. That totals about 1.07 kg or 2.36 lbs. All from solving one crossword. Best diet ever!


Canadian content:

10a [“Insensitive” singer Arden] – JANN.

37a [Is in Québec?] – EST.  Est is French for is.

8d [Speedy sprinter Andre de ____] – GRASSE. He won the 200 metres at the Tokyo Olympics.

28d [Mark Carney’s field: Abbr.] – ECON. Economics. Former Governor of the Bank of Canada.


Tip of the Week

This Saturday is the Lollapuzzoola tournament. You can solve on your own or in pairs, or get the puzzles afterwards to solve at your leisure.


See you next week!